Профиль Ralf Christe

FREEDOM Poster // Helden & Mayglöckchen


Every year Helden & Mayglöckchen surprise their clients and friends with a special poster. The chosen motto is a important topic in 2016: FREEDOM
For the year 2016, Helden & Maydöckchen took the liberty of designing a poster dealing with a current political issue.

Freedom of action means being free to choose between different possibilities and to do what you think is right. In our case, we chose 366 icons, one for each day of the year. Two interwoven strands frame the claim "freedom". The copper background provides a basis. The color varies depending on the light incident.
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FREEDOM Poster // Helden & Mayglöckchen

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FREEDOM Poster // Helden & Mayglöckchen

Poster Design from the design studio Helden & Mayglöckchen based in Karlsruhe, Germany.
