Yi Chen Lin's profile

逸湘齋滴雞精|Yi Xiang Zhai

《 逸湘齋・滴雞精 》

逸湘齋為台北市南門市場內的著名食補名店, 成立三十餘年, 除了是饕客信賴的美食大廚外,更逐漸成為食療養生諮詢的專家。 近年,為了體貼現代都會人的繁忙生活,研發專門的滴雞精食譜, 以黑羽土雞熬煉出滴滴精華,再用專業的技術以高溫壓滅菌包裝製成, 方便攜帶,加熱即食,隨時都能養生滋補的滴雞精。

Established for 30 years, Yi Xiang Zhai is becoming one of the most famous food shops in the Nanmen Market. It features nutritious herbal cuisine and gradually more and more people thought they are experts of medicinal cuisine. In order to attend busy modern men, Yi Xiang Zhai developed the special concentrates chicken essence recipe. Then using high processing techniques for package, it is easy to carry and prepare to heat up. People can strengthen their health and nourish their bodies anytime. 
- Package design -
- Print Advertisement / Newspaper -
- Yi Xiang Zhai  x  iCook | Campaign Website -
- Shopping Website -
Type.  Branding design / Logotype, Layout, Website, Print Ad, Package 
Client.  Yi Xiang Zhai 
Date.  2013
逸湘齋滴雞精|Yi Xiang Zhai

逸湘齋滴雞精|Yi Xiang Zhai
