Consumption Series
We want to consume. More and more. More than we actually need. We will never have enough. Greedily we fall to everything without knowing when to stop. Like animals. Animalish.

Coming from the marketing industry, I always meet a lot of people who are concerned about money. Capitalist and full of avarice. And if you see such a human being, then one does not recognize man again. Man has changed. Unrecognizable.
And maybe I want to give the thought that something should change. Breaking out of the format.
Or man should change. Wake up. There is enough space for your own interpretation.

Number 1, 120 x 160 cm, Acrylic on Canvas

Number 2, 120 x 160 cm, Acrylic on Canvas

Number 3, 120 x 160 cm, Acrylic on Canvas

Number 4, 120 x 120 cm, Acrylic on Canvas

Consumption Series
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Consumption Series

The Consumption Series (Works from 2017)

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