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Rijeknik /rijeka in a dictionary/

dictionari /rijeka in a dictionary/ 
Introduction /predgovor/
It is hard to put a city into words. To place chimneys and crossroads, staircases and pigeons between lines of text. Noise of industry and fuss of people. An ancient ruler or important figure. A bubblegum stuck to the sidewalk or graffiti on an old brick wall. Hidden jewels. It is hard to put a city into words, yet in your arms is a book that wants to do just that - Dictionari, Rijeka in a dictionary. A guide which is exactly what it is supposed to be. An honest reflection of the city it explains - precise, poetical and shy. A guide which is exactly the opposite of what a stranger expects of Rijeka. And Dictionari? It expects of you to dare feel the energy of this small chaos of a city. A small chaos perfectly put  together for your impatient eye. A small chaos ironically composed into a harmonious abecedarium. And now, wherever you are, welcome to Rijeka!
Research /istraživanje/
Looking at current marketing methods of Rijeka and it's surroundings, I've come to the conclusion that most promo materials are /in my opinion/ at best plain and generic. On the other hand, the few original souvenirs Rijeka has to offer consist of jewellery and fine art pieces. Considering all of this, I've started thinking about everything that makes the city I live in special and different. That is when the idea for Dictionari, or Rijeknik in Croatian, came.
I've begun the process by researching all that is Rijeka. By filtering information from scientific and history books such as "How to read the city" by Radmila Matejčić and "A short history of Rijeka" by Igor Žic, I've gathered transparent and exact information on the subject. After sorting the information alphabetically and adding comical flare to the content I ended up with 88 different lemmas /dictionary entries/.
Thanks for having a look! /hvala što si bacio oko/
Rijeknik /rijeka in a dictionary/

Rijeknik /rijeka in a dictionary/
