Terry Sharbach's profile

Bonding Through the Mailbox

USPS Bonding Through the Mailbox
To help the U.S. Postal Service sales team sell the importance of mail-based customer retention programs to large businesses, we created Bonding Through the Mailbox. This initiative included an outbound "door opener" direct mail piece, a complete sales presentation with sample mail pieces, and a thank-you mail piece. The outbound direct mail contained an actual wooden boomerang to break through the clutter and let the business target know that "mail keeps customers coming back." This idea was carried over to the thank-you mailing in the form of a yo-yo. 

Sales presentation materials included a flipbook and a DVD, and a series of sample Direct Mail pieces, like the die-cut shopping bag shown here.
Bonding Through the Mailbox

Bonding Through the Mailbox

usps crm campaign
