Aurora Creative Studio's profile

36 Days of Type | 2017 & 2018 updated

A is for Aloe Vera and Aurora Creative Studio, obviously!
B is for Bicycle
C is for Catfish
D is for Deer
E is for Experiment
F is for Fungi, Forest and Foliage
G is for a Gaggle of Geese
H is for Hands and Hibiscus flowers
I is for Icy Iced Tea
J is for Jupiter
K is for a Krazy Kool Kite
L is for Love Letters
M is for Mountain
N is for Natural Nanny-berries and Nightingales
O is for Out-of-colour Ogling Opticals
P is for a Portrait of one of our favourite female Painters wearing a wreath of Pomegranates and Peaches
Quest is for a Quest to discover the world
R is for a Reef
S is for succulents and a super small swing
T is for a Tiny Treehouse in a Terrarium
U is for Urban
V is for Viceroy Butterflies
W if for some Wildlife in the Wonderful Wilderness
X is for Xhosa, which is one of the official languages of South Africa. Xhosa beadwork is a special part of the Xhosa
culture and the beads are arranged in specific ways, worn on specific occasions and tell the life story of the wearer
Y is for YUCK! Yucky Bugs!
Z is for Zen.
0 is for an ordinary cup of tea - nothing to see here!
1 is a for a girl and her number one pal
2: Good things come in Pears!
3: Third times a charm
4: Ol' Four Eyes
5: Five second rule?
6: Six feet under
7 is for the seven spotted ladybug
8 is for a figure 8 race car track with some race cars that are driving so fast they have flames coming out of their exhausts.
9 is for a flight on a back of a crane to Cloud Nine
2018 - we only did a few numbers!
4 is for the four seasons of the year!
5 is for the fifth month of the year, May, which also happens to be MerMay!
6 is said to be the most harmonious of all single digit numbers. To us, theres nothing more harmonious than the sound of birdsong.
I got 99 problems but where to put another pot plant ain't one!
36 Days of Type | 2017 & 2018 updated


36 Days of Type | 2017 & 2018 updated

36 Days of Type #4 on Instagram - updated every week with new letters / numbers.
