Cave Raider
80s warrior record series by xiaobaosg
Close up of Pakkuman or better known as Pacman
Close up of ghost 1 ( Pinky (top) & Guzuta (bottom))
Close up of ghost 2 ( Aosuke )
Close up of ghost 3 (Akabei)
Tee version
Print version
Inspired by Pac-man ( Pakkuman), an arcade game developed by Namco in 1980. Pac-Man is considered one of the classics and an icon of the 80s popular culture.

This is the 2nd illustration from the series to be re-created into 2 version.
1) Tee design
2) Print version which is currently available at my facebook or etsy store. Email to to order yours today.

80s warrior record since 2009
Cave raider


Cave raider

Personal game and ukiyoe project
