Book Cover
For my Bachelor project, I photographed, wrote and designed "A Typographic Walk", which is a book that leads the viewer through a journey in Al Muizz li Deen Allah al Fatimi Street, located in Islamic Cairo. The layout of the book captures the reader, while each chapter talks about different places in the street. 

This book aimed to act as a reference for typographers, graphic designers and all designers in general. It is also a source of inspiration, inviting everyone to explore the beauty of typography. The book allows people to know about the greatness and richness of Al Mu'izz Street, promoting tourism and knowledge of Egyptian culture. It would help raise interest and awareness about the importance of typography in our past the and present.

Chapter Separator
 Chapter First Page
Inside Pages
A Typographic Walk
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A Typographic Walk

BA project, May 2012. Published in “Design Talks 2”. “A Typographic Walk” is a book that explores the typography within the streets of Old Cairo Daha Fazla Bilgi

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