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Transformers: Rise of the Chevy Autobots

Rise of the Chevy Autobots
Collaborating with Paramount Studios, Digital Domain and Steven Spielberg, we created a story-based game that extended the two hour film into a three-month, real-time online community experience. With daily updates and hidden codes spread across the internet, participants were encouraged to customize their own Chevy Autobot, challenge their friends and work together as a community to help Bumblebee defeat Mainframe and his army of Decepticond.
The results were outstanding, with over 250,000 registered daily players, and an average site "stick time" over 15 minutes.
Transformers: Rise of the Chevy Autobots


Transformers: Rise of the Chevy Autobots

Transformers Rise of the Chevy Autobots: An online game created to tie into the 2007 Transformers live-action movie.
