Ali Akbar (a), aged 18 years, is one of those 72 martyrs of Ashura Massacre who lost their lives fighting for the sake of Islam. People remember these martyrs & mourn for them but i believe showing their power in the battlefield, techs of war against the tyranny preachers & their last stand just for Allah, makes them more awesome.

The conversation that took place on the 9th night of Muharram (the first month of the Islamic calendar) between him and his father inspires me & many others.
Ali Akbar (a): Baba! Are we on the right path? (because the opposition was from the same religion but
were trying to mold it in the shape they want)
Imam Hussain (a): Yes,
O strength of your father!
Ali Akbar (a): Then Baba! I don't fear death. We are on Haq (Truth) so it doesn't matter either we attack death or it attacks us.

Another scene from the same day is: (Website source:
Hussain ibn Ali helped his youthful son to mount the horse. As Ali Akbar ibn Hussain began to the ride towards the battlefield, he heard
foot steps behind. He looked back and saw his father. He said, "Father, we have said good-bye. Why are you walking behind me?" Hussain ibn Ali replied, "My son, had you been a father of a son like me, you would surely have understood!"

May all the peace & blessings be upon the son of Hussain (a), Ali Akbar (a).
Battle of Akbar

Battle of Akbar

Ali Akbar (a), aged 18 years, is one of those 72 martyrs of Ashura Massacre who lost their lives fighting for the sake of Islam. People remember 閱讀更多
