Katrina L Crouch profili

Tell Me I am Pretty—Undergrad

Tell Me I Am Pretty
A reflection of what I have seen
This is not just one story, but rather a collection of stories.

The stories of what women and young girls put themselves through in order to be accepted by others.  Anorexia is the most obvious form of self abuse and doubt found in this piece, but I also wanted to represent how women so often tare themselves in different ways—you can hardly tell from the outside, though the bright eyes and wilder hair suggest a problem—but the subject is slowly killing herself from the inside.

I rarely focus on such heavily conceptual pieces, though this subject has been on my heart after listening to and watching some girls that I care deeply for slowly allow others to suck them dry.

Thankfully, there is hope.  Though her bones are showing through, her breasts—which represent life—are still relatively full (not a characteristic of those suffering from anorexia), and her willingness to be vulnerable and show the hurt (lifting her shirt) reveal a desire for renewal, and the search for a Savior.
Tell Me I am Pretty—Undergrad
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Tell Me I am Pretty—Undergrad

Charcoal and chalk drawing on pastel paper

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