Unseen Brooklyn
The parts of Brooklyn that rarely get seen...
In 2007, after living in Williamsburg for a better part of a decade, I decided I needed a change. I was graving space and with the ever increasing rents I decided to move out into the Sheepshead Bay/Midwood area of Brooklyn. Both of my parents are Brooklynites, so I know Brooklyn well, but this area was a little bit off my radar. I had been to Sheepshead Bay and Midwood a few times on assignment and each time I felt connected to it. So without hesitation I started looking for an apartment exclusively there and unlike the other parts of the gentrified Brooklyn, finding a place took days. Not to mention, I could live in a place twice the size for half the rent. In many ways I felt like the king of my own castle. I loved the quietness, I loved the culture, people and most importantly the biking was excellent. I could bike to the beach in 15 minutes and not have to stop once. It was quite amazing. Every morning, I would grab my camera and ride out towards the water. I quickly discovered the vast waterways in Brooklyn. The private beaches, the bayous, creeks, inlets, even environmental protected parks. I found people fishing, swimming, jet skiing, wind surfing and doing almost every other water activity. However, it was the landscapes that stood out most. It was the Brooklyn that was untouched and for me unseen. For me this project will never really end. It will always be something I return to.  I recently moved closer to Manhattan, but still in Brooklyn. Here are some of the pictures I took along my travels. I decided it was time to share them.
Unseen Brooklyn

Unseen Brooklyn

This is a series of photographs shot in the unseen parts of Brooklyn.
