Hello everyone, this is my latest work. All the process took me around 2 months of studies and tests. I perceived (  that unconsciously  ) I never had done a female model before, mainly to my portfolio. So I decided create one.

One of the most laborious works so far. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

Softwares - Blender 2.78 / Cycles, Gimp and Krita
Render Time
- 2 hours and 30 minutes
Final Render
I started with the idea in August of 2016, but I had left the model stopped until the first days of December. After some time I changed the style and went to a " blue character ".

I started with a " sculpted hair ", but this was changed to a hair with " particle system ". So, I past some weeks working on a long and curled hair. Also, the shader configuration took me a quite of time.

After this, I saw a lot of references of female anatomy/poses and accessories to make her body and the clothes as well.

The rest was to work on the ground, vegetation and some details around to create the atmosphere.
Face Progress
Clothes Progress
Render Progress
To the final composition I used Gimp to fix some stuff and Krita to paint and enhance some parts of the render. Also, I improved the colors, bright/contrast, Chromatic Aberration, Dust and others.

Raw Render
Final Render
Open GL - Render
Clay Render
Thank's :)

Project Made For


Hello everyone, this is my latest work. I hope you enjoy :) Blender 2.78 / Cycles, GIMP and Krita.
