Profil appartenant à Aaron Perez

OE Watch Mobile App

PhoneGap Bookshelf app
app for displaying different products on a bookshelf
This is a iOS and Android PhoneGap application that i have been working on for mobile delivery of a monthly newsletter/magazine. The application is fairly simple with a main interface that sets products out on a bookshelf similar to iBooks.

Each issue used for this app is a custom html web page that I generated on the server with jQuery and XML. The issues are laid out in Adobe InDesign and custom tags are applied to the different objects on the page. The XML is exported from InDesign, and turned into a webpage with jQuery.

Clicking on a cover image will load that issue in a child browser, and allow the user to navigate through the issue with web links in the TOC and using the browser forward/back buttons.  This app is used to display only one type of product, but could easily be expanded to have multiple bookcases with different types of products, e.g. books, videos, audio, etc. 

The application was built with PhoneGap, jQuery, jQuery Mobile, and xml. An xml file database determines what products are displayed on the shelf. Because the app was developed with PhoneGap, it is easily portable across different platforms using the same core JavaScript files; thus reducing the cost and time to develop the same app for multiple devices. 
iPad/large screen main interface
loading page in child browser
iPhone settings page
iPhone/small screen main interface
OE Watch Mobile App
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