We were instructed to create simple vector representation of a modern product
(phone, tablet, etc) and center it on the shield. Then divide the shield and add traditional heraldic graphic elements, and apply a color scheme.

In the design which was created in Adobe Illustrator. I chose my imitation of a computer, because I can't seem to stay away from it. All that I do seems to revolve around it. All of the images were created freehand in Illustrator, and I am still learning. It will eventually get better with more practice. I chose the crown which is a emblem of a sovereign state, it shows victory. The spear represents the family crest/coat of arms, it symbolizes devotion. The star symbolizes honour, achievement and hope in heraldry.

My reasoning behind the colors I chose; green for growth, blue for confidence, yellow for hope, and the orange is for determination.
Game Of Phones

Game Of Phones
