A taste of the incredible, live fire performance during the 2016 Transformus put on by the Addled Muse fire theater company. http://www.addledmuse.com/

Odin- Travis Vincent-James Hahn
Frejya- KC Allen
Thor- Brady Jester
Loki- Erica Wagner
Sigyn- Alex Simpson
Wolf Boy- Adam Klesitz
Dwarf/Viking Warrior- Natali Gavanarova
Viking Warriors – Meli Markham, Gio Camacho, Rhode Fraser, James Abele
Stage Manager – Kelley Carey
Character Voiceover – Traver Wiggins
Original Show Score – Adam Klesitz
Projection Art – Erica Wagner
Body Paint- Rachel Marshall, Brian Dikkie Barnes
Video – Dmitri Medvedev
Video Soundtrack – Run Boy Run (Instrumental) by Woodkid – woodkid.com/
Gods of Asgard

Gods of Asgard

Filming and editing a live fire performance.
