ST+ARTed |sticker book

Through this sticker booklet I have tried to imitate my experience of working with a professional artist. The booklet is a journey of me being a spectator and a participant at the same time. It beholds various illustrations in the form of stickers depicting my interpretation in the form of stickers depicting my interpretations of the project under the bangalore ST+ART program the stickers are based on several situations and circumstances we faced during the process. Apart from being a memorable experience this project was a stepping stone towards my learning. 
Working onsite. Majestic Metro Station
LtoR: 1. Sameer guiding this team with a brush in his hand and team members with rollers and brushes; 2. Everyday struggle with the harness; 3. Scared of scaffolding and heights; 4.Magnetic Majestic; 5.Hang in there on the Scaffolding or else you'll die; 6.Day 1 and the last day (tanned and burnt faces, that sun is a bi*#@h); 7. paint bath (who needs water?) 8. And of course the journals, "cannot function without one).
ST+ARTed |sticker book


ST+ARTed |sticker book
