The logo of my campaign, 'Round the Optimal Lululemon Lifestyle (ROLL), embodies not only the brand's signature but also the playfulness of my plan. Everything from the events to the store set-up that I propose are designed to attract consumers to the lifestyle that Lululemon promotes. This logo was created using Photoshop. 
Using the chalkboard, which is commonly used in Lululemon stores around the world, I introduce my promotion plan to judges. The colors red and white are chosen for this slide and the project as a whole because they can be found in Lululemon's logo. To view the full set of presentation slides, visit:
This page summarizes the entirety of my promotion plan using a combination of text and graphics. To see the full report, visit:
The timeline outlines the components of my promotion plan. Circles are used because, like red and white, the circle can be found in Lululemon's logo. The design stands out more than traditional timelines and is created using InDesign.
By using squares and a triangle, I reiterated the objectives by creating an arrow. The arrow symbolizes how my promotion plan can create growth for the Lululemon store that my plan is based on.
This serves as the closing slide of my verbal presentation. Since the clock (above the slide) illustrates different parts of my promotion plan, I combined it with the title, "ROLL," using a rolling effect to create an encompassing graphic for the judges. This slide is simply created using Google, but the clock itself is made with InDesign.
These are selections from the posters that I made for the various events planned. They are all created using Illustrator, with the chalkboard effect taken from the same source as the slideshow. These gave me the opportunity to play with various fonts, making sure that they suit the playfulness of the chalkboard while also speaking the each event's target audience.


'Round the Optimal Lululemon Lifestyle (ROLL) is the promotion that I created for Lululemon Athletica to compete at DECA conferences. This projec Read More
