Lauren Kavanaghs profil

Penguin Student Design Awards 2017

Penguin Student Design Awards
I designed three new book covers for the publications ‘In Cold Blood’, ‘To Kill a Mocking- bird’, and ‘Charlottes Web’. I changed the original brief slightly by replacing the childrens book ‘Adrian Moles Diary’ with the childrens Novel ‘Charlottes web’ as it had a similar theme to the two other publications provided and the books needed to work as a set.
In Cold Blood
Penguin explained that they were looking for a cover design which breaks boundaries in the same way that the book did. I belive that I hit this target by creating a bold, and shocking, cover that, recreates its chilling content.
After observing previous cover designs for the book, I thought even though most were well designed they were missing character and were all very cliche. I decided to take an illustrative aproach to the book cover as I hadnt seen this done in any of the previous covers, I illustrated the scene as the Clutters family living room with a grusome blood splatter covering the family portraits, resembling their gorey murder. 
To Kill a Mockingbird
Penguin explained in the brief that they were looking for a fresh perspective and to avoid repeating the obvious iconography from the many previous editions in print. As I wanted the books to work as a set I needed to create them in similar ways, I made use of lino printing in all of the book covers, as well as textures and collage. After seeing previous covers to the book I knew I wanted to stay away from the typical bird theme, so I decided to illustrate the ‘Ham’ scene from the novel which re ects the books child like view as the whole novel was written from a childs perspective, I also created the typography with a child like sense to carry on this theme. 
Charlottes Web
The childrens novel Penguin had chosen was Adrien Moles Diary, however after doing my research on the two previous books that Penguin wanted the covers recreating, Adrian Moles Diary didnt fit the theme. ‘In Cold Blood’ and ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ were both set in similar times and locations (rural america). Therefor rural america was to be my theme in order to make these books work as a set. The most tting childrens novel was Charlottes Web, again I used the same elements of illustration within the cover such as lino printing and the use of textures. I wanted to make the pig the main focus of the cover instead of the spider as this was also quite cliche. 
Penguin Student Design Awards 2017

Penguin Student Design Awards 2017
