Global Datebooks
2009-2011, Adobe Illustrator & Adobe Indesign, One, Two, Four-Color Print
A collection of work from Global Datebooks, from spring of 2009 to fall of 2011. The work here is pretty representative of my time there, most of these books were laid out with Adobe Indesign CS3, and averaged about 180 pages, plus or minus 20 or so pages. The covers were produced using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator CS3, depending on how many photos the school wanted us to place on the cover, or if we were able to procure a vector-based school logo, or image of the mascot.

Most of the books were one or two-color (Black and a Pantone ink approximation of the school's official color), but some were four-color.

Laying each of these books out, with all the legal jargon in the handbook sections, was a crash course in typesetting and paragraph styles. I probably put together 15-30 books per year, and the amount of schools grew exponentially per year.

Below is a typical sample of the planners I would produce for a school, complete with a full school year calendar, school information, and oftentimes a student code of conduct.
Below is one of the non-school-specific planners I produced, geared towards elementary and middle schoolers. We were able to produce this piece using four-color process, since the budget and color restrictions were much looser than a planner for a school. All the doodles on the front cover were hand drawn by me, in Illustrator. Naturally.
Global Datebooks


Global Datebooks

An overview of work done for Global Datebooks from 2009 to 2011.
