Chris Ireland sin profil

Boundless: The moving paper paper movement

Boundless Paper Scroll
Product + Branding* Design
*Branding elements to be added soon

Product design

One issue with the traditional notebook is its format. Through the organisational nature of being a book, it doesn't allow for a free flowing, continuous recording process. The user is subconsciously moulding their note taking to fit the medium, rather than the other way around. But what if the page could keep going and going...

This project was about taking my previous Scroll project [see images bellow or check out its behance page], developing it and designing it for mass market.

Keeping with the core design elements, I looked to build on these and enhance it where necessary. To widen its appeal, it has been given a modular system, allow for customisation and modification.

Boundless in its handheld iteration

By replace turning the page with simply twisting the beam, Boundless allows you to work on as much space as needed, whilst also still being able to see your previous notes. Boundless comes with a range of peripherals to optimise and redesign their way of recording. 

Whether you're in the studio, at home or on the move, you can find Boundless potential

Boundless: The moving paper paper movement

Boundless: The moving paper paper movement

Just a teaser for now...
