Perfil de Ken Sealey

Beseech a Public Art project for the City of Vincent

A Public Artwork for the City of Vincent
"Beseech" will be a 3 metre high concrete sculpture finished in sky blue two pack epoxy.
The work is positioned in front of a recently completed 4 storey building. Whilst not large in itself the building is much larger than those around it and is on the commercial fringe of a large residential area. By introducing an oversized head into the streetscape I am attempting to challenge and reduce the mass of the new building and reduce its dominance.

 I have chosen sky blue as the colour for the work as I believe that echoing the emptiness of the sky will introduce a nice counterpoint to the tonnes of concrete that the work is made from and bring a piece of the sky down to earth. The sculpture does not look at the motorist driving by but looks up at the inhabitants of the building Beseeching them to remember their humanity.

The pose directs passer-bys to follow the sculpture's gaze and consider the building adding to the presence of the building and indirectly to its commercial value.  In conceiving "Beseech" I have attempted to create a work that gives something back to the developer of the building, relates to its occupants and is of a scale that allows passing motorists to engage with it.
At the last minute the site was changed! It took a bit of extra work but we took it in our stride. The work now has a lot more space around it and is in amongst a nice stand of trees. There is also a lot more passing traffic so I am very happy with the new location.
Beseech a Public Art project for the City of Vincent

Beseech a Public Art project for the City of Vincent

Beseech. A Public Artwork for the City of Vincent.



Sectores creativos