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Samsung B2B Buyer Decision Journey

Samsung's Buyer Decision Journey
for Business
The Challenge
As an emerging B2B solutions provider, Samsung needed to better understand the motivations, expectations and anxieties of the B2B buyer to craft the ideal future brand experience for business solutions.
It all starts with the audience
Identified how Samsung needs to engage b2b buyers through qualitative and quantitative research.
Understand where you are to know where you are going
Performed in-depth stakeholder interviews to understand business objectives and vet out business challenges.
Assessed the current state experience and competitive landscape to  understand the current UX, technology infrastructure and behavioral trends.
Designing the Business Journey
Crafted a future state journey that aligned the organization to a customer-focused go-to-market strategy and operationalized a connected and holistic experience across the digital ecosystem.
Leveraged audience and discovery insight to craft a future state journey that would meet consumer needs, fulfill the brand promise and realize business objectives.
Market activation
Illustrated the optimal digital experience Samsung must deliver to be most influential to business buyers on their pathway to purchase.
The Results
As a direct result of implementation of data-driven creative Samsung's B2B Nurture Program realized a 64% increase in CTOR
and a 40% in Unique CTR.
Messaging Brief
Segmented Email Creative
 Large Format Display Creative
Samsung B2B Buyer Decision Journey

Samsung B2B Buyer Decision Journey
