Perfil de James Devlin

Made in Michigan - Membership Report

As part of their annual member update, the Michigan Credit Union League wanted to include a book that was a simplified annual report on all the league had accomplished in the previous year. Space being a premium, the goal was to condense all of the information to the most basic data. As a result, we used infographics to illustrate the data to make the information easy to read quickly at a glance. 

The theme "Made in Michigan" came at a time during the recovery from the great recession when Michigan was emerging slower than the rest of the country. The league wanted to be the state's cheerleader to show how much good was coming from the state and that Michigan wasn't down for the count.
Made in Michigan - Membership Report
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Made in Michigan - Membership Report

A brochure mailed out to member credit unions to show the value of membership in the Michigan Credit Union League & Affiliates.

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