Perfil de Hoang NguyenPerfil de Interactive Labs Inc

Highway Shipping Application


About the project

With the development of the country, many young people are coming to the cities with the hope of improving the life quality. Some of them settled down. They left behind their parents, the generation grew up in the period of non-technical society but plenty of memorable matters. To remind their children about the homeland, sometimes they would like to send their children memorable stuff. The ways seem to be too far with obstacles.
So we make this, to help the non-technical generation get in touch in an old way with their children.​​​​​​​

Logo concept

We tried many concepts. Finally, we figured out the core values of the business are the opportunity, the connection and the speed. The clover leaf represents for opportunity with the hope of good luck.
The connection and the speed are combined to shape the high way intersection.
So, the clover-shape-intersection is the best combination. It looks like the letter H and easy to put into the typo.


Android application

Everything goes mobile. So the application is the main purpose of the project. Mobile utilities support all the need of the application functions. We focused on Android app at this phrase because it's the most popular smartphone platform in India.

Visual direction

The target users of the app are elderly people. The color scheme must be bright, easy to realize. About the font, we use Roboto, the system font of Android that can adapt into many languages without showing "tofu". 

How it works

To make the app easy to use, we designed the workflow to be less steps as possible. First of all, just open the app and take a photo of the stuffs. Then fill in the detail and submit it, and we will do the rest.


Some core screen wireframes. 

Tracking listing

This is the most important screen of the app. Users will interact with this screen most.
We created multiple layouts so we can have a clear comparison. 
The aim of this screen is to provide enough information, usability and scanning detail quickly.
The final result really help users quickly scanning the detail and status of the shipment. 

And the interaction

Sign in and up flow

We don' want users to spend too much time on signing in and signing up before making a shipment.
We create this flow to allow users quickly experience the main function - creating a shipment and then sign up later. The final step of creating a shipment is verifying the phone number. After verifying, the shipment will be processed.

Create a Shipment

Here is the flow of creating a shipment. Simplify it as much as possible as the target users don't need much time to learn how to use. The user just take the photo of the goods, and Highway will take care the rest. 

Create a Bulk

We also think about the "bulk" - a shipment with multiple items. Entering information for the bulk is also complicated. Many flows were researched to figure out the best way. Packaging is also an issue.
Finally, we decided to get info of:
- Amount of items.
- Method of shipping.
- Shipment Schedule.
After that, Highway staffs will take care the remaining work.

Unused flow

Final flow

Bonus to who loves animals

Meow meow meow! Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow meow meow.
Meow meow? meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow. Thx meow!

Highway Shipping Application
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Highway Shipping Application

Shipping Service Application

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