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Ski Patrol Day Snow Angels

A world record attempt to have the most snow angels made at once across the country at exactly 1 p.m. on Feb. 4 was the highlight of Canadian Ski Patrol Day.
Despite the efforts of over 100 ski hills participating in this goal, only 7,058 snow angels were made, which falls short of the number made in last year's attempt of 9,800 participants in 2016. The record set to break was 15,851 snow angels done at once.
This was the second year in a row that Canadians attempted to break the record in celebration of the national Ski Patrol, with the original attempt in 2016 set to mark the Canadian Ski Patrol organization’s 75th anniversary.
The weather was cold and snow was covering at Batawa Ski Hill, despite the lack of snow in other places in town.
A total of 218 people, many of which were families and children, poured onto Batawa Ski Hill the moment the announcement was called to “Come to Bambi,”, which is the small green circle bunny hill at the entrance to the ski chalet.
People gathered wearing bright snowsuits, which dressed the hill in a full spectrum rainbow of colours. Most participants gathered at the bottom of the hill with a few small groups climbing up higher towards the top to have more room for their snow angels.
The snow angels went on for maybe a minute, which was enough to fill the criteria for the snow angel record. Soon after, Teri Fleming, who co-ordinated this year's event, soon climbed up a ladder at the edge of the hill to collect the little paper tickets to count the number of participants involved.
Geoffery Clayton, one of the participants this year, heard about the event the day before at the ski hill. The young boy was one of the first to run as far up the hill as he could to find a spot of his own to make his snow angels.
“The best part was going for the big record!” said Geoffery and his father Ryan Clayton.
Snow angels were chosen as the record to break because, “We are angels on the snow, which is what they like to call us,” explained Fleming.
The Canadian Ski Patrol organization has over 5,000 volunteers across the country, in over 230 different locations.
“We are first on the scene. We do anything from minimal trauma to advanced trauma. We also do four-season events with the city of Kingston for first aid,” said Fleming.
Ski Patrol volunteer Andrew Lankonde, who is working on his 11th season as a Ski Patrol member, spoke fondly of the organization and the celebration. He said he loves his work as a ski patrol because of the opportunity to be outside and to be able to ski throughout his shifts.
“It’s the fact that everyone is getting out here, and that they are recognizing who we are because we are all volunteers,” said Lankonde.
All in all, those organizing the snow angel event appeared quite pleased with the turnout at Batawa.
“This year, I think the word was out there more. I think the media did an amazing job of getting the word out the radio,” reflected Fleming on the day’s events.

BATAWA Ont. (04.12.17)- The national ski patrol organization celebrated their 76th year as an organization by attempting to break the word record for the most snow angels done at once. The organizer Teri Fleming thought the event was well attended. “This year I think the word was out there more. I think the media did an amazing job of getting the word out the radio.” Photo by Gracie Postma
BATAWA, Ont. (04.02.17)- In celebration of national ski patrol day people of the community came together to attempt to break the world records for the most snow angels done at once. The snow angel represents the ski patrol due to their role of saving lives in the snowy hills of ski resorts. Photo by Gracie Postma
BATAWA, Ont. (04.02.17)-  Andrew Lashote is currently on his 11th season working as a ski patrol officer. He came out to celebrate the 76th year of the organization by helping to organize an attempt to break the world record for the most snow angels done at once.  “It’s the fact that everyone is getting out here, and that they are recognizing who we are because we are all volunteers.” Said Lashote. Photo by gracie Postma
BATAWA, Ont. (04.02.17)- In celebration of national ski patrol day people of the community came together to attempt to break the world records for the most snow angels done at once. The snow angel represents the ski patrol due to their role of saving lives in the snowy hills of ski resorts. Photo by Gracie Postma
BATAWA, Ont. (04.02.17)- In celebration of national ski patrol day people of the community came together to attempt to break the world records for the most snow angels done at once. The snow angel represents the ski patrol due to their role of saving lives in the snowy hills of ski resorts. Photo by Gracie Postma
Ski Patrol Day Snow Angels

Ski Patrol Day Snow Angels

National Ski Patrol day in Canada is every Feb. 8th. In Celebration for the last two years across Canada ski hills and resorts have attempted to Läs mer
