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Chip Hits the Fan

Chip Hits the Fan

Chip Hits the Fan is a gameboy music (aka chiptune) festival organized in Nuremberg every fall. As I'm a huge fan of the genre, I asked if I could design the next poster along with logo. 

The theme of 2016's festival was "retrowave". It's a fad that's been sprung back to popularity lately, known for its use of neon lights, bright and metallic colors on a black background and incorporation of big buildings and cool cars. For this I made the logo a combination of a metallic effect with faux neon lights.

The word "Chip" was written in the font they use for all of their festivals. It adds the 8-bit impression to the retrowave.
For the rest of the poster, I decided on making typical gaming consoles into neon-colored buildings, adding also some classic retro-games to the mix as well.
The stickers created for the event.
Poster hung in Mannheim and Nuremberg. Photos by DMGpage and Hannes Fertala
Facebook page.
Views of the festival. Photos by Andi Pontanus
Chip Hits the Fan