Book I
Some Preliminary Work
Page 1
Regional Map
The story's trademark brew
The Coveted Memoirs
Indor’s most cherished dream is to be a wizard. Passionate he is to subdue to his will the divine energy left permeating Earth after the deities’ fight against the Primal Evil. There are, however, several problems. Indor is a rather common, not particularly successful middle-aged merchant without any prospect of becoming an all-knowing expert on the occult overnight. Those privy to the secrets of the art of magic all disappeared without a trace over two millennia ago after the mystery-shrouded, catastrophic incident of the Unthinkable. There is no one to count on in Indor’s endeavor…except, of course, for the Brotherhood of the Approximately Full Moon. His founder and Exalted Leader, he and his fellow thinkers tirelessly search for a way to revive wizardry. Indor must, at any cost, become the new master of magic. It just so happens to be its last True Master’s plan as well. From his dark prison, He is carefully watching the Brotherhood’s doings. Raging thirst for revenge ravages his malice-ridden soul and He will stop at nothing to bring his plan to fruition. He is…

Written by B.N. Dobrev
Here is a link to the book on  Amazon
... and a link to the author's Facebook Page
Indor-Book 1

Indor-Book 1

This is a cover illustration that i have created for this amazingly funny and engulfing fantasy story that i hope you all will enjoy :)
