Pinkie Swear Illustrations

Pinkie Swear

Below is a collection of illustrations for some of the stories we've featured so far.
One of my childhood memories; involves regret and Shamu. Read the full story here.
 A girl tricked into playing hide n seek with some boys from her neighborhood, who ditched her while she was counting. Read the full story here.
 A story about a girl who entered her local county fair's walking horse competition and, upon receiving her participation trophy, promptly lost her mind with excitement, not realizing all the other kids were given the same "award". Read the full story here.
 Part recurring dream, part real life memory of backing a pick up truck into a corn field at the age of three. Read the full story here.
 A story about a boy who was tricked into believing he would turn into a girl on his 13th birthday. Read the full story here.
Pinkie Swear

Pinkie Swear



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