Yuanxi Lius profil

Affordance in Fashion

Affordance in Fashion

This booklet made for my thesis in Grad school at Pratt Institute. After I read the book "Designing Design" by Kenya Hara, I kept thinking about the term of affordance. Since I'm highly interested in Fashion Design, I wonder what about "affordance in fashion", does it exist? How does the term of affordance apply to Fashion? What the relationship between each other? 

What does affordance mean? 
An affordance is a relation between an object or an environment and an organism that, through a collection of stimuli, affords the opportunity for that organism to perform an action. For example, a knob affords to twist, and perhaps pushing, while a cord affords to pull.

Affordance in design? 
The term affordance I refer to the concept developed by Don Norman. In 1988, Donald Norman appropriated the term affordances in the context of human–machine interaction to refer to just those action possibilities that are readily perceivable by an actor. It makes the concept dependent not only on the physical capabilities of an actor, but also the actor's goals, plans, values, beliefs, and past experiences.

Affordance in Fashion

Affordance in Fashion
