Thirty Logos is a 30 days logo challenge created by ThirtyLogos.
As a beginner/amateur in design i joined in this challenge purely for fun and i always appreciate constructive feedback.


Challenge #1

For the Space logo, we want to capture the idea of a personal, modern, and fun shared office space. We would be open to some kind of icon or using the text "Space" to represent the company. We don't have any requirements in terms of colors, text, icon, or otherwise.

Challenge #2
We're a small coffee shop chain located in Seattle, WA with five locations. Our current logo is just text using a default font,
but now it's time for an update!
The Grind prides itself on natural and local ingredients. For our new logo, we actually do not want to use any browns! So many coffee shops around here use brown and we'd like to stand out. Maybe oranges, green, other earth tones, etc. could work well.
This logo will primarily be used as our store sign, on menus, and on coffee cups and merchandise. The Grind logo could be text based or have an icon, we're open to either/both. We're open to using symbols that represent coffee such as the coffee bean, plant, grounds, coffee cup, etc.

Challenge #3
Twitchy Rabbit is an email marketing platform similar to MailChimp and Twitchy the Rabbit is our mascot. We'd like him to be redesigned into a more simple, iconic form that we can use across our products.​​​​​​​
Challenge #4
Ping is a growing chat platform for businesses and small teams. Some of our biggest competitors are Slack and Skype. What sets us apart is that we offer major features like group screen sharing, free of charge.
Our logo needs be text-based, focused on the word Ping. Feel free to explore icons that are aligned with the name but the name needs to be included.
We are open to any color scheme but would like to stay away from blues if possible. We're also open to any kind of typographic style and graphical style.
Challenge #5
We're a non-profit organization that preserves the life and habitat of wild animals throughout the world. Our organization is known for our passion and personal investment in the lives of animals.
Similar to the the WWF logo, we would be happy to use one animal to represent our brand or several, it's up to you. We do require a stand-alone icon for the logo that can be paired with text, although text is not required for this stage.
Outside of an animal icon logo, we do not have any requirements at this time.
Challenge #6
1-800-Rosebud is an online flower shop which sells bouquets of flowers and gifts for any special occasion!

We're looking for a logo that represents a flower or flowers along with our name, 1-800-Rosebud. We're open to any colors but prefer something warm over cooler colors (blues, black, etc.)

Since this logo also features our phone number, the wordmark needs to be legible at large and smaller sizes. Finally, it does not necessarily need to be a rose, but roses are welcomed as well.

Challenge #7
Austin Run is a charitable event for autism research and raises money for families in need of care, education, and information. The event is so much fun and many people dress up in crazy outfits. Last year we had someone dressed as Darth Vader followed by 50 Storm Troopers!

Anyway, the logo style is really up to you and we'd love to see what you can come up with. It could feature the Texas state shape, a landmark that represents Austin, something that represents running, or even just a text logo! Feel free to something whacky and fun or something more simple. I'm sure we'll love whatever you do!

Challenge #8
Sparked is a video game news website featuring the latest news in all video games, esports, and tech.

For our logo, we're looking for something that works on a dark background. This logo cannot have a light or white background. We're possibly thinking of something that uses orange, red, or yellow and features a spark, fire, flame, etc.
Challenge #9
Paint™ is a fantastic mobile app that allows you to take a photo of anything and it will automatically pull up the correct color in multiple formats including Sherwin Williams Paint, PANTONE Color, and many more.

We're looking for a redesigned logo that is visually appealing. I've attached our current logo below but we think it's too bland. It really lacks some color which is what our app is all about.

We'd be open to a text based logo or one that has an icon. The most important thing is that it's colorful, whether it be one color or multiple.
Challenge #10
Anchor is a clothing line for the nautical lovers! Many of our products are actually produced with recycled boat sail material.

We're looking for a fairly simple logo that of course features the iconic shape of an anchor. While blue is obvious for color, we'd like to try something outside of blue. We want to be more modern and fun and don't want to use something so expected!

This logo will be used on our shirts, polos, pants, tags, and all other types of apparel. Feel free to go any direction with text, but it is not required at this time unless the logo is part of the text.
Challenge #11
 I'm in the final steps of opening a candy shop in the UK called Sweets. Yep, a pretty awesome and straight forward name!

We'll offer a very wide variety of candy; just about anything you can imagine. I would love for the logo to capture the joys of candy whether it be with an icon, colors, etc.

You can try a lollipop, wrapped candy, chocolate, etc. There are really a lot of different things that could represent Sweets, so long as the text "Sweets" is legible from a far distance as this will be on our sign.

I would please ask that the words "Candy Shop" are below the main name "Sweets".

Challenge #12
Sword & Shield is an upcoming security system for tech companies. Our software includes password protection, server backups, malware protection, and more. We're focused on appealing to medium to large scale technology companies.

For our logo, we'd of course love to feature a sword and shield! Our team has discussed some ideas but we'd love to see what you come up with first.

We ask that the logo be provided in both a dark background and light background style. Thanks so much!

Challenge #13
JJ Pizza has been serving the Chicago area with the very best pizza since 2002. We're rated #1 for the area and now it's time to step up our game!

I've attached our current logo (please don't laugh!). It was created when we first started but there is nothing unique about it. It's just something I put together a LONG time ago and it's time for something fresh.

I want to our exact red color as the main color whether it's a red logo or a white logo on a red background. Reason for this is because a lot of this red is painted on our walls, our cups, etc. and if we can keep that red, we can save some money.

The red color required is this hex code: #DF4337

That's the only requirement I can think of. You can try a pizza icon, the letters, whatever you want! Looking forward to seeing what you can do!
Challenge #14
BookWorm™ is a growing online bookstore and we're looking to get a logo designed. I'm not really good at this kind of stuff so I don't know how much help I can be. We just want to see what you can come up with.

We're pretty much open to anything, whether it be using a worm or not. We do need the text BookWorm to be included of course.
Challenge #15
Pups is a new online subscription service focused on dog food, toys, and medicine delivery. Our users sign up for weekly or monthly delivery of premium dog food straight to their door!

While a large bulk of our subscribers are for dog food, we also deliver toys, treats, and medicine. We don't want our logo to be focused around dog food but more around dogs/puppies!

For the Pups logo, we require the text "pups" as well as either a separate or integrated icon of a puppy or dog(s). We're so excited to see what you come up with!
Challenge #16
Sharp has been creating high quality cooking knives for over a decade. We're known for our craftsmanship, quality, and outstanding cuts.

We provide a variety of knives from chef to bread, and we need a new logo to represent our quality. We'd like our logo to be black and white, no colors please. We like logos that focus on minimalism and feature very subtle details.
Challenge #17
Fast is an online form generator where users can generate and interact with any kind of form like W9, contracts, etc. It's perfect for freelancers and home business.

We'd like the word Fast to be the logo, with perhaps an icon that represents paper or a form. We also require it to be either blue or orange.
Challenge #18
I own a sushi bar in downtown Los Angelas and looking for a fresh logo!

The name of my shop is called Sakura. This means flowering cherry (blossom) tree, so I'd actually be cool with using a cherry blossom, but please don't feel that you need to use this, just an idea!

I am definitely open to any other kind of sushi iconography. I do require that the name Sakura is included in the logo.
Challenge #19
The Hampton Cove area is known for it's mountains, so we'd love to incorporate some mountain(s) in the logo somehow, maybe in the background. The main focus of course should be pets/veterinary/animal hospital.

If you look around the internet you can find a lot of great examples of animal hospital logos and we'd love something similar to them with the uniqueness of using mountains to represent the area we're located in!
Challenge #20
Freelance is company for people just like you actually! We're an online system that helps freelancers (designers, artists, and all other creative types) manage their invoices, time, projects, client communication, etc. in one suite.

What we imagine for this logo is just the text Freelance. We can't think of any icon or symbol that would encompass all creative types. We wouldn't want the logo to be a pen tool icon or some other graphic design specific icon. We need the logo to be versatile in that any freelance person can connect with it.

If you can think of an icon that will work, go for it! If not, we'd really love to see just a really clean type-based logo with our name.
Challenge #21
Sprinkles is an ice cream shop with stores across the United States. We pride ourselves in the best tasting ice cream on the planet. We've won numerous awards for our taste and innovative flavors. We're like the Willy Wonka of ice cream.

For the logo, we require the text "Sprinkles" and then some kind of icon or visual element to represent ice cream and/or the sprinkle topping. We want bright, fun, and tasty!
Challenge #22
As a designer, do you have your own personal logo? If not, design your own at this point for Challenge #22! If you have a current logo, are there ways you could improve it? Perhaps there are some ideas you can try for a new look?​​​​​​​
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