HDELUCO, a brand for an artist.

HDELUCO responds to the name of Hector Fernandez de Luco, a Spanish artist, painter and sculptor that works with two and three dimensional pieces. His work is heavily influenced by the most popular figures of the Pop culture from the XXI century and a continuous debate based on the occidental culture of the actual society.

He usually works with the interaction between two and three dimensional pieces in his exhibitions, making the audience observe a certain action or though that he wants to express or share. He creates the sculptures and organize them in the space, sometimes adding a painting to that certain composition so it all works as the same piece, sharing the same idea and creating new reactions.

That is the reason why I wanted to express all the three dimensional essence that his work emanates, reduced to a two dimensional logotype. A logotype that reflected space, volume, depth, construction and creation. Here you have a developed project of how I created a brand for HDELUCO.

First sketches for the logotype


Final logotype

Complete typeface used for the logotype

Difference between automatic and modified kernings

Final modified kerning

Business cards


Complete brand identity




HDELUCO responds to the name of Hector Fernandez de Luco, a spanish artist, painter and sculptor that works with two and three dimensional pieces Read More
