Fei Xu sin profilomid seraj sin profil

Depression is a War

Depression is a war. 
This is a short film created by a group of 5 SCAD students. We tried to visualize what it feels like to have depression. 
My responsibilities are:
1. Helping with visualizing the original concept that Champ came up with.
2. Storyboard design based on mood boards.
3. Helping with filming process (assisting director, setting up light, preparing stage properties).
4. Managing equipment.
5. Editing. 

Fei Xu
Songyi Park
Omid Seraj
Champ Panupong
D.J. Brandt

by :Sergey Cheremisin

Depression is a War

Depression is a War

Depression is a war. This is a short film created by 5 SCAD students. We tried to visualize the feeling of having depression.
