Digital Voices - Project Two Unit

Project Two Unit - Digital Voices
Discuss Phase
We discussed what we knew how to do and what we are going to teach each other. In addition we decided what our company name will be.
We sub-divided and discussed which group will teach what new skill they learned.
Rough draft logo design
Final Copy of Logo Design
Discover Phase
As a group we are teaching each other what we know about practical effects. In this project each member will teach one skill that they know and learn two additional skills they will eventually develop in the future. Throughout the project each member will learn at least how to either foley, zolly, forced perspective, painting and foam encasing.
Design Phase
Arniel's teachable - Foley
I gave an example on how you could use foley when it comes to sound. I attempted to recreate the sound of rain with tinfoil, I then grab other sound files together to create a scene where a character and his dog are walking in the rain.
Ronold's teachable - Forced Perspective
Xavier's teachable - Water Coloring
Kade's teachable - Weathering Clothing
Deliver Phase
After everyone showcased their mad skills, in the end we all learned something new that could help us further our abilities in practical effects. Here is a demo reel of our experience and what we learned from each others mad skills.
Digital Voices - Project Two Unit