Profiel van Waseef Akhtar

The Beast Within .

The Beast Within .
Beautiful on the surface but Ugly within .

Pretty conceptual these days huh? Well, I get pretty much inspired by songs and movies these days. And I so love conceptual photos anyway. This one's partly inspired by the movie, Beastly, which's quite inspired by the movie, Beauty and the Beast, which pretty much leads to one story. So, here it is. The shoot took about an hour, yesterday, and PP about 14 hours. 

BTW, there's a very informative and inspiring short article I found yesterday while I was getting ideas for the title and I'd really recommend you to read that. <a href=" Ignorance and Enlightenment/Beauty and Ugliness.htm" rel="nofollow">Here</a>.
Watch out for a few more heavy photoshopped images, and I'd really appreciate <a href="">Aaron Nace</a> to get my mind into it. :)

 - June 5, 2011


The Beast Within .

The Beast Within .

© 2011 wA Photography
