Chiara Tomassetti 的個人檔案

nineteensixtyeight photograpy


nineteensixtyeight is a curated platform dedicated to the discussion and dissemination of contemporary photography, an innovative space that transcends the static confines of a magazine or gallery, offering unique depth and dynamism in the presentation of collectible works.

The revolutionary year from which the name originates was emblematic of a world in flux, characterized by a palpable tension between destruction and creation, conflict and solidarity. Photography was setting global events in motion just as those events were in turn influencing the visual language of the times.
In the spirit of the era, nineteensixtyeight strives to bring contemporary and historical issues into focus through evocative combinations of image and text, challenging traditional conceptions of narrativity and acknowledging that while a picture may be worth a thousand words, the story a photograph tells is never singular.
Each section of the platform is distinctive in its approach to the material, featuring the work of artists and writers who are pushing the boundaries of established genres, and providing original insights into the works and their greater contexts.



The site has been developed in Wordpress & Woocommerce. The theme has been totally customized both from a technical and graphical point of view. Every page has it's own layout which can be chosen from the backend by the administrator of the site.



Projects considers a body of work or combination of works by a represented artist, combining written analysis, interviews and inspirational material from the artist.

Reports examines wide-ranging historical, cultural, and sociological phenomena, drawing particular inspiration from the conflicts and questions that defined the historical moment of the late ‘60s onwards.

Show & Tell represents a unique dialogue between images and other media, allowing for the infinite reframing and re-captioning of existing imagery.

This section is dedicated to the online sale of the works.

nineteensixtyeight photograpy

nineteensixtyeight photograpy

nineteensixtyeight is a curated photography platform selling affordable, high quality prints, promoting fresh new talents and facilitating collab 閱讀更多
