Speed Islands is a racing game for mobile devices and was created by Bad Monkee (www.badmonkee.de) and flurfunk Interactive Entertainment.

My role was to work out the Art Direction with the experienced Creative Director Michael Bohne and to guide and help the artists creating the assets for the game.

The game features three different themes, a lot of characters and car designs, a online league mode and even a track editor.

The game is currently still in development.
Characters and Cars
Collect a lot of helmets. Here are some of them!
Some of the cars in Speed Islands
Developing the Keyvisual
Quick layouts before going into 3d modelling
Track Design and Assets
Concept art for the desert theme
Traps and Obstacles
When you beat someone, send him an "Emotibrag"!
Speed Islands

Speed Islands

Art Direction for a mobile racing game.
