Alter Ego
Projection Theatre at Vivid Sydney
Alter Ego is an outdoor projection theatre work by Night Parrots. Using interaction between live performers and large-format digital projection, Alter Ego explores the fear and exhilaration of meeting the other self, the darker reflection of our being, encountering our own fears, ghosts, past actions and potentials. We confront, headlong the reflection, and are haunted by aspects of our own selves, real or imagined, embraced or resisted.

Devised in collaboration with a theatre director, video artist, choreographer, sound designer, and 4 performers, Alter Ego has been designed specifically to explore the relationship between live performance, moving images and the city. Alter Ego was developed in 2012, through a creative development residency at NIDA, and has been generously supported by Heckler, TAFE Design Centre, Enmore and EDI Events.

Alter Ego premiered at Vivid Sydney in May 2012.

Artistic Director: Katy Alexander Damian Asher
Video Artist: Louis Pratt Sean Hawkins
Choreographer: Tanya Voges Brett Rogers
Sound Designer/Composer: Braedy Neal Matthew Walker

Damian Asher, Sean Hawkins, Brett Rogers, Matthew Walker. Photograph by Christophe Sachs.
Damian Asher, Sean Hawkins, Brett Rogers, Matthew Walker. Photograph by Christophe Sachs.
The audience at Alter Ego, at Vivid Sydney. Photograph by Christophe Sachs.
Matthew Walker. Photograph by Christophe Sachs.
Damian Asher, Sean Hawkins, Brett Rogers, Matthew Walker. Photograph by Christophe Sachs.
Damian Asher, Sean Hawkins, Brett Rogers, Matthew Walker, Tanya Voges, Sophia Ndaba. Photograph by Louis Pratt.
The audience at Alter Ego, Vivid Sydney, Walsh Bay. Photograph by Tanya Voges.
Alter Ego

Alter Ego

This 15 minute projection theatre work is tourable to Australian and international festivals and events.
