This was a project from my Mixed Media class of Fall 2016. I had to choose a word, which became illuminate. and I needed to communicate using this word translated through various mixed media. My paintings were made with gouache paint and laundry detergent. My physical objects were painted with acrylic paint, strung with nylon, and duct taped together. On the floor is a painted canvas with LED lights wound around the lights. The two big bulbs are actually wired to be lit as well.

Artist Statement
Each and every one of us has a purpose in this world. I believe that each one of is has been uniquely gifted with this life from my beloved God. "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden." Matthew 5:14. From this gospel I understand that we all have our gifts to shine into the world, into the darkness. We all shine our lights differently. Some of us explode with energy like the red lightbulb painting. Some of us are a little more internal like the purple one. Some of us cannot control it, and some of us think we have control.
The reality is that we are in a world of both light and dark. This display, based off of the word, Illuminate, shows the light within the world. Each bulb is uniquely painted, literal bulbs, and the paintings. No bulb is exactly the same, just as we are not, and instead are unique within this incredible planet. We have so much power, yet so often we are told that we cannot change the world. We hear so often, "One person cannot change the world." This is a lie. You can. Do you think these bulbs listened to that statement? If they did, they would not emit such a powerful presence. Shine your light wherever you go and whoever you're with because you were made to. You know there is good in you. Are you going to sit by and let your light dim and burn out, or will you shine bright for those who have forgotten what light looks like?

