"Self Portrait, Plushy Coat"
16"x20" Monochrome Acrylics on Stretched Canvas.  The plushiest coat.
11"x14" Acrylic on Canvas Board.  Exploring a painterly style in smaller scale.
"Safety Peas"
18"x20" Charcoal on Strathmore fine tooth illustration paper.  Be safe with peas! They are round and are prone to suspicious movement.
"Untitled Portrait"
18"x24" Chalk and Charcoal and Strathmore fine tooth illustration paper.
"Untitled Portrait, New technique"
 Mixed media on Illustration board.  This is a combination of layering pastel, acrylic paint, and colored pencil. 
18"x24" Charcoal on Gray Toned Strathmore Illustration Paper. Portrait of my friend Christina. 
"Mona Donna"
16"x20" Charcoal on Strathmore Fine tooth illustration paper. Portrait of my friend Donna.  She had that enigmatic smile.
"Girl with Dreads"
18"x24" Charcoal on Strathmore fine tooth illustration paper.
A quick plane drawing I did to start off this class.
But I loved it.
Head and Hands

Head and Hands

These are my favorite pieces from my Advanced Head and Hands class I took last semester.
