Jaanika Juhanson sin profil

2nd part of perf. by Erki Kasemets: "PMV" 2012

2nd part of Erki KasemetsĀ“s performance
"PMV" was a full-day-multi-performance (5th of July in 2012)
in international performing arts festival Baltoscandal in Rakvere (Estonia).
Author of the whole project was artist Erki Kasemets,
director of second part was Jaanika Juhanson (me).
Performers were students and alumnis from UT Viljandi Culture Academy
(Theatre Arts, Dance Arts,Performing ArtsĀ“ Visual Technology and Music).

FestivalĀ“s website
Photos: G.LiivamƤgi
2nd part of perf. by Erki Kasemets: "PMV" 2012

2nd part of perf. by Erki Kasemets: "PMV" 2012

"PMV" was a full-day-multi-performance (5th of July in 2012) in international performing arts festival Baltoscandal in Rakvere (Estonia). Author Se mer


Kreative omrƄder