IndieReign iPad App
iOS App design featuring strong gamification
I was approached by the founder of small online based startup, IndieReign, to create an iPad app with a strong focus on gamification of the service they offer. This set the challenge of strategising IndieReign into something that didn't completely change the nature of the service, whilst still having elements and functions that do not exist on the site. 

What I ended up with, was a marriage of the site with a small, bonus Action Role-Playing Game (ARPG) element - particularly the "skill build tree". This meant that the app could be used to build up credits towards unlocking free films, based off their "experience" gained from using the app to watch trailers, share and endorse films, buy or rent, and more.

I really enjoyed working on this very challenging, and huge learning curve of a project, and am very happy with the results, as is the client and their investors. Sadly, the client learned that the e-commerce parts of this app would be compromised by Apple's regulations, and so opted for a re-design that is much simpler (See the updated app design here.)
IndieReign iPad app

IndieReign iPad app

An iPad app design, utilising gamification, in the discovery of independent films.
