Avia is a speculative organization I created with a singular motive: to help refugees in need. Avia’s goal is to relocate 10,000 displaced Syrians to Palmyra, an island in U.S. territory that is currently uninhabited. There are four levels of “awards” if you donate via their website.
The website was purposefully designed with a generic look to mimic similar organizations.
This clearly preposterous idea is meant to encourage others to think critically about media activism. How many movements started through social media exploit those they are trying to help, and how many are actually effective in doing so? The Kony 2012 campaign by Invisible Children is one example of a movement that gained heavy publicity support via social media. 
As we navigate our interconnected world, we must be critical of the role of media in 
modern activism.

I presented this concept in class as a fake representative from Avia named Emma Carter. I spoke as if I was pitching the company mission and asked for donations to help fund Avia’s current steps: finish construction on the island and transport the refugees to their new home.  

View more process behind this project here.
