Rome Dayao's profile

Grade 10 Graphics

Grade 10 Graphics
Table of Contents
#1- Behance Thumbnail
#2- Abstract Art
#3- Cartoon House Attempt  Typography project 
#5- Pathfinder Assignment
#6- Winnipeg Jets Pen Tool Assignment
#7- Simple Cartoon Pen Tool Assignment
#8- Complex Cartoon Pen Tool assignment
#9- Alignment, Size and Colour
#10- Cartoon House Attempt #2
#11- Custom T-Shirt Design
#12- Original Logo Draft #1
#13- Original Logo Draft #2
#14- Original Logo Draft #3
#15- Original Logo Vector (inDesign)
#16- Logo Mockup x3
#17- Photoshop Tutorial
#1- Behance Thumbnail
For the first couple days of graphics class, we had to make our own, original thumbnail to put on our bechance portfolio. We had to use our creativity to make it a "special" thumbnail, one that speaks out who you are. The only tools i used was the type tool, line tool and the place tool to place the pictures. I think my thumbnail is okay, i like the overall simplicity of it and the subtle pictures placed on it like the Sisler Spartans Logo and the house from the movie Up. The only thing i don't like about it is how plain it is, i feel like i should've added a solid background or a scenery behind it instead of the default white background.
#2- Abstract Art
In this assignment, we had to make an abstract art using squares and rectangle, we had to use the shape tool to make the squares and the rectangles and the font tool to write to word "GRAPHICS" in the picture. In order to get this effect, we had to change the opacity for each squares, creating this layered effect. I chose yellow since its a favourite colour of mine and i really wanted to think outside of the box and not use the basic colours like blue like everyone does. I also chose this font because i needed  a really thick font to fit with the picture, the font is called "PT Sans Caption." I thought the project was really fun and kinda easy, the only hard part was setting the opacity of each and single shape you used and the arrangement of it.
#3- Cartoon House Attempt #1
In this assignment, we had to recreate the Simpsons house in illustrator using the tools and skills we have learned in graphics as of now. We had to use the rectangle tool, reshape tool and the eyedropper tool. The hardest part to make was the shapes that involved a rounded structure but overall, i think i did a good job recreating the house the best i can.
#4-  "Graphic Design is..." Typography Project
In this assignment, we had to make a photo that included a silhouette and typography of 30 or more words that relate to graphics. The only tools that i used is the type tool and the colour changing tool. In this picture, i used singer "Beyonce" as my silhouette. I think the hardest part of this assignment is trying to fit in all words that you are going to use and make sure you don't leave too much blank space behind

Words that i used-
Descriptive words:
mind blowing
time consuming

Technical words:

Emotional words:
worth it
#5- Pathfinder Assignment
In this assignment, we had to use our knowledge of the pathfinder tool and recreate some silhouettes to the best of our ability. The only tools i had to use is the shape tool for the different shapes, the pathfinder tool to either subtract or combine multiple shapes together and the eyedropper tool to perfectly match the colour of the silhouette. I think the hardest part of this assignment is to make sure the silhouette that we created is 100% like the actual photo.
#6- Winnipeg Jets Pen Tool Assignment
in this assignment, we had to recreate a low-quality picture of the Winnipeg Jets logo into a more cleaner picture using the pen tool and our knowledge of it. we only used at least 3 tools in this assignment, the pen tool, the eyedropper tool and the shape tool. I think recreating the logo was fairly easy, the only part i found hard is arranging the shapes to the back since you had to do it in a certain order.
#7- Simple Cartoon Pen Tool Assignment
In this assignment, we had to use our knowledge of the pen tool and what we have learnt to recreate an image of a simple cartoon character. I decided to choose "Gumball Watterson" from "The Amazing World of Gumball" as the cartoon character i am going to recreate. The tools that i used for this assignment is the pen tool, the eyedropper tool and the shape tool (but mainly the circle). I think the hardest part of this assignment is just trying to make sure our drawing is near perfect from the actual picture.
#8- Complex Cartoon Pen Tool Assignment
In this assignment, we had to do the same exact thing from the assignment before but this time, we have to recreate a more "complex" cartoon character. This time, i chose "Phil and Lil" from "The Rugrats" as the cartoon character I'm going to recreate. I also used the exact same tools from the last assignment, the pen tool, the eyedropper tool and the shape tool. I did find this assignment more of a challenge and time-consuming than the last assignment. What i found hard about this project is the outline, there were some parts of the picture where the outline of the shape was really thick so i had to fill it in, making it look kinda awkward (ex. lil's diaper outline was really thick so i had to use the pen tool specifically for the outline). Overall, i think it was a really good challenge, the end result was much better than my expectations and actually looks really accurate to the original picture.
#9- Alignment, Size and Colour
In this assignment, we were given a picture with 11 rectangles/squares with the size, what coloured is used in the picture and what is the spacing between each shape and we are tasked to recreate it to the best of our ability. The only tools we had to used for this assignment is the shape tool and the colour changing tool. It was really easy work, i think the point of this assignment is to review us and test our knowledge. The only thing i found difficult while working on this assignment is measuring the space between all of the shapes, i took my time and effort to make sure it was very precise to the given criteria.
#10- Cartoon House Attempt #2
In this project, we had to replicate the Simpsons house the second time, but this time, we used the pen tool instead of the shape tool and actor point tool. The tools that i used for this assignment is the pen tool, eyedropper tool and the line tool. Compared to the first attempt, this project was a bit easier since the you can fully control the pen tool but it was time consuming since our picture had to be 100% accurate to the original picture. The hardest part of this assignment is drawing the curves because most of the time, the curve was not accurate so you had to add a couple anchor point to exactly curve it and at the same time, make it look smooth as possible.
#11- Custom T-Shirt Design
This was my original concept for my custom t-shirt design. It's supposed to be a guy submerged in water, holding a cigarette on the left hand, his fingers are smoking on his right hand, his mouth is sewn, he is crying,he is wearing shackles, his head is also smoking, it has a black border around it and has the word "CALM" on the side. At first i had a hard time figuring out with a concept drawing , i tried different themes like "silence" or "oppressive". It took me a couple days to create this concept design. The drawing just came popped in my head, it is supposed to symbolize the entrapment of addiction and its consequences when you give in. 
This is the final design my shirt design. Its mostly similar to the concept design but I decided to remove the shackles since it was too small to draw, i changed the water lines to make it look more realistic, I moved the word "CALM" to the bottom, added a period on the end, and changed its font to "Times New Roman" because i wanted a classier take to my custom design and I also made the design thicker to make it easier to cut. Overall, the custom design was time-consuming, i took my time to make sure it was how i wanted it to look. The hardest part of this project is the water lines because i really wanted it to look 3D and realistic and not look like weird half-circles that were left as scrap, so through trial and error, i got the look i was looking for.
This is a mockup of my custom design. I went with a white shirt to match the colour i want use for my design, black. If i were to print my design and put it on a white shirt, it would supposedly look like this.
#12- Original Logo Draft #1
This is the very first draft design of my logo for my own company. I decided to go with a clothing company since it is a pretty good industry to start on. The name of my company is called "Opacity Clothing Co." I decided to go with that name because my company is supposed to represent the transition of opaque and closed off to transparent and being more open and see-through towards perspective. So my logo contains a needle, to represent the creation or the beginning since every piece clothing starts with a needle. It also contains a thread which slowly turns from an opaque shade to a more transparent shade to represent the name of the company itself, opacity clothing co. I think the hardest part of this part of the project is the overall thinking and design of the project. You need to make sure that your logo stands out and represents your company without the name included in it, it took days to brainstorm a good logo but finally came up with good decent to start on. 
#13- Original Logo Draft #2
this is the second draft of my logo. i still decided to go with the concept of a needle and thread that is starting to become transparent. The difference between the first and second draft is that i changed the position of the thread,i feel like it should have more flow into it to make it really stand out and give off an "eccentric" vibe to the consumers. I think this is a much better concept than the first one since i knew what i wanted to create, i just needed to expand on that idea and make it visually pleasing.
#14- Original Logo Draft #3

This is the third draft of my logo. It is very similar to the second draft but the only difference between the second and third draft is that i made the needle thinner, i polished it to give it a professional look and i added colour into my logo design. I decided to go with the colour blue, yellow, and red because i didn't want to stick with a single colour and i thought these colours are the colours that best describes my company and our message. The blue symbolizes strength and trust, yellow symbolizes optimism and clarity, and red symbolized youth and boldness. 
#15- Original Logo Vector (inDesign)
This is the final product of my logo design. It is exactly alike to the third draft but more polished and smoothen out to give it that "professional company " vibe. I personally like how it turned out since i started with a bland idea then expanded it to a simple yet outstanding logo. Overall, it was the easiest proportion of the project since i just traced out the logo from the third draft. The tools that i used in this part is the pen tool and the eyedropper tool. The only problem i had was it was hard to perfectly trace out the shape since the image was pixelated.
#16- Logo Mockup x3
The three forms of advertising that i decided to choose for my logo design was a billboard, business cards, and shirts employees would wear. I decided to go with these 3 because these are the most common and effective way to advertise your logo and spread the word out. For the business card and the billboard, i didn't want to add the logo and name only so decided to add some decorations to make it more aesthetically pleasing and eye-catching to consumers.
#17- Photoshop Tutorial
This is a photoshop tutorial i did, which is the rainbow tutorial. Its fairly similar to the final product but the only difference is the background and that i didn't add any stars to it. I think it was an okay project, i could've done a better job if i had more time but i think it still looks good. the hardest part of the assignment is the gradient, i had to taught myself how to use the gradient tool till i knew how to do it.
Grade 10 Graphics

Grade 10 Graphics


Creative Fields