Morag Taylor's profile

Cameo and Caricature


INTRODUCTION: This project was somewhat challenging as I had to figure out the best way to represent my partner realistically, but still have the final piece fall into the guidelines of a cameo. It was also a challenge to learn to draw well using Adobe Draw on the iPads. However, it over all I represented her essence well and that's the key in this piece. 

Hardware: iPad
Software: Illustrator Draw; Illustrator CC, Photoshop
Platforms: Creative Cloud, Behance

CREATIVE PROCESS: First, I knew I wanted to capture my partners essence in the best way. To do this, I took a side profile photo of her. After that, I tried to notice the key things about her that would really show in her cameo to make her stand out. For example, her nose ring, the pattern on her shirt, and of course, her features. I chose to make her hair have lots of texture shown to show her thick, long hair. And I chose to include the pattern of her shirt to show some of her style. I also made sure to include thicker and thiner lines for her hair to show depth. 

PRODUCTION METHODS AND WORKFLOW: After I took a photo of my partner, I started to trace out the basic lines such as her head, neck etc. on the Adobe Draw app using my stylus and iPad. Then, after I got her basic shape down, I decided to lower the opacity of the photo of her so I could focus on her features in my drawing. Then, I started to draw them and really focus on the shape of her nose, and how the hair falls across her face etc. After making adjustments and additions, I had my final product. I then approved it with my partner and took the shape tool and drew an oval around her to make it look like a cameo. I then took her picture away and was left with my raw drawing. After noticing her hair didn't look as thick as I wanted it to, I added some more lines. Finally, I put it into Adobe Illustrator through the Adobe Draw app and made some final touch ups to my cameo. 

CONCLUSION: Over all, I'm very happy with this piece. I feel it represents my partner and the photograph well. I'm happy I was able to include some key features of hers while still staying in the ground of a cameo. 
The original photograph. 
Some process work with the photo shown. 
The final product of the cameo
(Same process was used as the Cameo)
The original photo taken. 
Some process work, and focus on her hair/face. 
The final product. 
Cameo and Caricature

Cameo and Caricature
