Our first set of prints, relief prints. Inspired by the play Hamlet. "To be or not to be" 
Intaglio prints. A zombie pirate whose ship is burning in the background. Poor guy.
One print in a series of forty. We had to create a book of prints, and we were allowed to use any method we had learned or could think of to create prints. This particular print I painted strawberries with ink and pressed the berry up against the paper. When the ink had tried, I realized I didn't want to use this print so I practiced watercolor on top to give it some color. 
Nine of the forty prints for my printmaking book. The book had to be about a place. Because I commuted to school, I chose my car/drive to school. I ate in my car, hence the fruit prints, my car has a cassette player, I was currently starting my car with a screwdriver because my car had been broken into and stolen, and the classic pine tree print to represent me trying to make my car not smell like clementines and McDonalds. 
Last series of prints, Lithography. Classic Audrey Hepburn look from the movie, Breakfast at Tiffany's. Adding my own twist to the look by adding a coffee cup and hearts to show my love for Audrey Hepburn and coffee. 
Printmaking Spring 2016
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Printmaking Spring 2016

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