ALMANAC (2017)
Almanac was intended originally to be a set of acoustic harp covers based around some of my favourite video games - Stardew Valley, Harvest Moon and Rune Factory. However, I took the idea for my project a step further, by sampling the top and bottom range of my harp into GarageBand, to cover some sections that were a bit difficult to play. The result being a lovely mini-album of eight songs from each of the games. 
You can download Almanac here, if you'd like to donate I'd appreciate it, but it's not necessary. The donation is just to help me produce more tracks like these in the future... and to probably pay for all the coffee I'm going to need for the next year. 
Almanac (2017)

Almanac (2017)

A collection of acoustic/sampled harp covers from various games such as Harvest Moon, Rune Factory, and Stardew Valley.
