Advanced Movie Making:
Cinematography and Editing Unit
Activity 1:


3.Meet the Robinsons: It's a cute story a lot with comedy and the more I watch it the better it gets.

2. Avatar(James Cameron's):I love the story and the environment of Avatar.It is something different.

1.The Prince of Egypt: I love the portrayal of the the story of Moses in the movie and, the sound tracks and the animation is unbelievably good. 
Favorite Director: 
John Lasseter: I enjoy watching the animated films he directs.

Favorite Movie Scene:
My favorite movie scene is from movie "The Incredibles",where  is looking for his super suit. I enjoy the transitions and different amount of conflicts in the scene. The struggle between a typical situation of getting ready to go on a date to a evil robot invading the city with the increasing chaos. 

Activity 2:
(Learning from the Cinematic Experts Activity)


Final Re-make:
Activity 3:
(Sound Design)
Final Video:
Activity 4:

Ducks at the Forks:
-2 minutes
-6 frames per second 

For my time-lapse activity I will be filming some ducks on the river at the forks.
I want to use camera shots and angles such an establishing shots and a low angle shot. The Establishing shot is ideal for making sure there is enough of the river in the scene. Then the low angle will allow me to block out as much people being caught in the recording to maintain the focus.  I am also thinking of doing a camera movement in the time-lapse to capture different sides of the river. I will be using the time-lapse selection on my phone’s camera in to record the time-lapse that takes a picture every 10 seconds.

The Final Time-lapse Video:
Advanced Movie making

Advanced Movie making
