The only real things

The only real things’ theme is about couples and intimacy between two people who love each other. Relying both on my doctorate and personal quest, I wanted to convey the fragility of human emotions. 
The illustrations are created through the use of simple black lines which are specifically made with really thin liners revealing a lot of details in them. Through this process, it creates a minimalist approach reflecting the rawness of intimacy and love gestures between couples. My illustrations were inspired by both photos from artists and photographers that I truly admire, scenes from movies, documentaries, short films, pictures, real stories, etc. 
It is an almost obsessive search of tender gestures between two people who love each other, the dynamics of a couple, and the love stories with not necessarily happy endings but rather sincere and transparent.
I don’t want to wrap everything in a superficial matter nor to fake perfection with ideal love stories. My goal for this project is to portray the couples’ lives by showing the good moments together, that is romance and serenity, as well as the bad moments: stormy doubt, mistakes, sacrifices, and resignation.



The only real things’ theme is about couples and intimacy between two people who love each other. Relying both on my doctorate and personal quest Läs mer
