Brand of nut pastes TUT NUT got a logo, combining outline and mascot. Facial features are added to the title character, which is quite easy to read. Cute corporate hero shows a positive attitude from eating peanut butter, because it is very useful and tasty product. We wanted to create a package that would radiate good mood and helped to make a breakfast more pleasant.
Nut paste certainly a useful and tasty product. We noticed that not everyone is aware of its positive properties, 
so clearly shown on the label of a vitamin and mineral composition, talked about the benefits for different groups of people. Also we paid attention to what foods nut butter goes best and have made recommendations 
how to make it even more tasty.
Under the brand TUT NUT produced several kinds of nut pastes, we have divided them in color according to the associative series, which is the basic ingredients included in it.
Nut paste in a disposable packaging is convenient to take with you on the road, and also include a healthy breakfast or lunch for schoolchildren. A spoon gift will be a pleasant and convenient 
complement to the purchase.


Бренд ореховых паст TUT NUT получил логотип, объединяющий в себе начертание и маскота. Черты лица персонажа складываются в название, которое дово Meer lezen
